Dealers and Repair Shops

» Become an A+ Certified Installation Technician!

Call Us

If you are a Boat or RV Dealer and/or Repair Shop and would like to purchase as such, give us a call at (541) 610-0401 and we can get you set-up. Dealer login and pricing will be provided once set-up.

If you are already set-up as a dealer and would like to purchase, please call us for dealer pricing.

For interested dealers, please take a few minutes to watch the installation video here to see if it is something you would like to offer your clients.

Click here to watch the installation process of the sensors on the tanks and the panel. (7½ minutes)

Click here to watch the set-up and calibration of the panel. (9½ minutes)
       Note: This is for the older software TE2011 Rev A. New video will be available soon.

We are always looking for new installers and repair shops to become certified so we can refer our customers to someone in their area that can install our product.

There is no minimum order for dealer purchases and we have live tech support for all your install techs at no charge.

If you would like to become an A+ Certified Installation Technician, please click here. You can watch the video and take the test. When you complete and pass the test, we will send you a Certified Installation Technician certificate and put you on our list of locations to refer our clients to when they call in. It is completely free and easily done through our online test.